PhD position in Munich
The Geophysics section of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich ( is seeking applications for a Ph.D. project in global seismology and geodynamics. The main goal is to adapt novel numerical technologies to global wave propagation problems and use them to simulate and invert waves through 3-D mantle models and understand their seismic signature. Munich Earth Sciences is running the graduate school THESIS ( and is coordinating several large geo-science projects (e.g., SAMPLE,; QUEST, #). The Geophysics section is also involved in the Munich Centre for Advanced Computing (, has access to the Munich supercomputer centre ( and runs its own Linux cluster. We seek applications from enthusiastic young scientists from fields such as Earth science, meteorology, physics, computational science, and mathematics. Strong interest and/or experience in high-performance computing is essential. The project will be supervised by Profs. Igel and Bunge. We seek to review candidates in Mid October and therefore invite applications by October 10, 2009. However, applications are accepted until the position is filled. Applications should be sent via email to with CV, letter of intent, and list of two referees.